How to make a pattern for a children's sweater. How to sew a beautiful cotton blouse for a girl. Cutting cotton blouses

Winter is already very close, more and more often you want to wrap yourself up even warmer, and even more so, you want to give more warmth to your children. Let's make a cozy, warm sweater with a fun pattern from brushed cotton fabric in just an hour.

Pattern for a children's sweater

First of all, you need to print out the pattern that comes with this master class. The pattern is designed for 7 sizes - from 74 to 110. The control square on the printed sheet should have a size of 2 by 2 centimeters; align the pattern pieces along the control lines indicated by the “scissors” icon. There will be 3 parts in total - front and back with a fold and a sleeve part.

Fabric for sewing blouses

Prepare the fabrics: depending on the size, about 30-40 centimeters of brushed interlock.

Feel free to use fabrics with different patterns that match each other.

Also take 15 centimeters of ribana - a special fabric that is used to trim cuffs and collars.

Pin the pattern pieces to the fabric and cut them out, leaving seam allowances. Since the fabric is brushed, it is quite difficult to trace the details with a chalk or pencil, therefore, having secured the pattern well, carefully cut it out without tracing.

In our case, we are making a combined shelf - the upper part will have a pattern, and the lower part will be plain.

Cut out the sleeve and cuff details. They should be equal to two-thirds the width of the sleeve. The height of the cuffs is 6-8 centimeters when unfolded.

Cut out the piece to trim the collar. It will be 20 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide.

So, the cutting is ready.

You can start assembling the blouse.

Sewing a blouse - assembly

First, assemble the shelf. Pin together the parts with needles, as shown in the photo.

Finish the seam with an overlocker.

Since the seam may stretch a little during the stitching process, it is necessary to return it to its shape using an iron.

Then press the seam allowance down.

Pin the front and back pieces along the shoulder seams and sew them.

Press the seam allowances to the front.

Pin the sleeve details to the unfolded blouse. Make sure that the control marks on the top of the sleeve cap coincide.


Carefully sew them on with an overlocker.

Press the seam allowance to the sleeve side.

Now fold the blouse with the right side inward, align the parts at the seams and pin together.

Carefully sew the side seams.

Press seam allowances to the back side.

Finish the bottom of the product using an overlocker.

Then fold the edge 1-1.5 centimeters and sew on a machine with an elastic seam - for example, “fish bone”.

Prepare the collar and cuffs. Fold the pieces vertically in half and stitch using an overlocker.

Fold the pieces horizontally in half.

Place the cuffs into the sleeves, distribute the fabric evenly, and pin around the perimeter.

Do the same with the collar.

Stretching the ribana to the level of the main fabric, sew the cuffs and collar on the overlocker.

This is how nice our parts look now.

Our blouse is almost ready! All that remains is to finally iron it out.

Iron the allowances to the side of the main part.

And now you can try on a new thing! As you can see, sewing a blouse for a child is not at all difficult.

flowerohyeh specifically for the site

2013, . All rights reserved. In case of full or partial use of site materials, an active link to the source is required.

Baby undershirts

Pattern of a thin vest

Pattern of a vest with closed sleeves

Pattern of a vest with a one-piece front and back

Pattern of a blouse with buttons: two sizes from 4 to 7 months (in brackets from 7 to 12 months)

Cut out one part of the front and back, two parts of the sleeves, adding 0.5 cm seam allowance and hem allowance (bottom - 2 cm, sleeves 1.7 cm - if cuffs are not sewn on). Neck allowance - 0.5 cm.

Overcast the leading edge of the clasp allowance. Turn the one-piece strip for the front fastener to the wrong side by 2 cm. You can stitch the fasteners at a distance of 1.5 cm from the fold of the strap, so that later during ironing the strap does not constantly roll into a tube.

Sew shoulder seams. Fold the cuffs with the wrong side inward along the fold line, place them along the bottom of the sleeve, slightly stretching the edge of the cuff and gathering the bottom of the sleeve, and stitch. Sew on the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams and side seams. Sew on the collar. Sew the seams.

Turn the hem allowance for the bottom of the blouse to the wrong side and stitch.

Make loops and sew on buttons.

T-shirt pattern: height approximately 64-74 cm (6-10 months)

You can sew a T-shirt from fabric such as cotton jersey. Parts made from such fabric are sewn down using a narrow zigzag stitch or a special elastic stitch.

Cut out one piece each for the front and back, adding 0.5 cm seam and hem allowances (2 cm for the bottom, 1.7 cm for the sleeves), as well as a 30 cm long and 3 cm wide neckline. 0.5 cm.

Overcast the top edge of the clasp allowance. Fold the one-piece facing of the seam allowance for the back clasp in half, turning it to the wrong side. Loops will be made on it. Turn the one-piece facing of the front fastener to the wrong side. Buttons will be sewn to it. Sew fasteners at a distance of 2.5 cm from the fold of the facing. Sew the second shoulder seam (which is without a fastener). Fold the binding to the neckline with right sides, stitch the binding, turn it to the wrong side, turn it under and stitch it to the stitching seam.

Place the front and back fastener pieces on top of each other so that the front and back shoulder lines match. Sew on the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.

Turn the hem allowances for the bottom of the T-shirt and the bottom of the sleeves to the wrong side and stitch with a double needle.


As soon as the child begins to actively move, the vest becomes uncomfortable. It is replaced by either a blouse with a tie in front, or a blouse with buttons or buttons.

You are sewing a blouse for summer or winter, with short or long sleeves, the child sleeps on his back or always strives to sleep on his tummy, which blouse is most convenient for you to put on your baby - these and many other reasons will help you choose the pattern of the most comfortable blouse.

The choice of fabric, the color of the fabric, the pattern, the shape of the buttons will determine the purpose of the blouse - at home, for sleeping, for walking, etc.

Sewing blouses for children under 1 year of age is distinguished by the smallest number of seams so as not to irritate the child’s skin.

For children's undershirts, the following sizes are taken:

We build a right angle with the vertex - point A. We put the length of the vest down - point B. From point A to the right we put the width of the vest and put point C. From point B we draw a horizontal line to the right. From point C downwards - a vertical line. The intersection of lines is point D.

We build a line separating the front from the back. From point A we set aside a segment equal to half the distance AC plus 0.5 cm and place point E (the back is slightly wider than the front). From point E we draw a line down.

Shoulder line: from point A downwards we lay down 1/10 AC - point F. From point F to the right we draw a horizontal line to straight line CD.

Armhole depth: down from point A we lay a segment equal to half the distance AC minus 1.5 cm. From the resulting point G we draw a horizontal line until it intersects with the line CD.

Back neck: from point A we lay off a segment to the right equal to 1/3 of the distance AE plus 1 cm and place point H. From point A we lay off a segment equal to ½ of the distance AF. We connect the resulting point with a smooth line to point H.

Back shoulder cut line: we connect point H with the point of intersection of the vertical line E with the horizontal line F. From the intersection point we put 1.5 cm to the left along an inclined line and mark it with point I. HI is the length of the shoulder section of the back.

Back armhole line: we build an auxiliary line IK, where K is the intersection point of the vertical line E and the horizontal line G. We connect points I and K with a smooth line, deepening the line to the bottom left by about 1.5 cm in relation to the auxiliary line. The result is an armhole line.

The vertical line AB is the line of the middle of the back.

Front neck line: to the left of point C we lay a segment equal to AH minus 0.5 cm - point L. From point C we lay a segment of the same length. And connect the resulting point with a slightly concave line to point L.

Front shoulder length: from the point of intersection of the horizontal line F with the vertical line E, we lay off 1 cm vertically. We connect this point with an inclined point to point L. Along this line we lay off a segment LM equal in value to HI to the right.

Front armhole line: we build an auxiliary dotted line MK. Then we connect these points with a line deviating 1.5 cm to the right from the auxiliary inclined line, thus forming an armhole line.

The vertical line CD is the line of the middle of the front.

Construction of a sleeve pattern.

In the middle of the upper part of the sheet we draw a right angle with the vertex at point A.

The length of the sleeve: From point A, we put down the sleeve length measurement we took and put point B. From point B, draw a horizontal line to the right. From point A, we lay off the width of the sleeve to the right and designate the resulting point - point C. From point C, we lower the perpendicular to the intersection with the horizontal line B - point D. From point C, we lay down a segment equal to 1/3 AC. We connect the resulting point E with an inclined dotted line to point A. The cuff line of the sleeve is obtained by connecting point A to point E with a smooth line deviating upward from the auxiliary line by 1.5 cm.

Sleeve seam line: from point D to the left horizontally measure 2.5 cm and place a dot. We connect this point with point E - this will be the seam line of the sleeve.

To obtain a complete sleeve pattern, fold a sheet of paper in half along line AB and cut out the pattern along the contour lines. We straighten the paper along the fold line.

The resulting pattern can be used in different ways.

To sew a vest with ties at the front of the neck, cut it out as follows:

To sew a T-shirt, the length of the sleeves is reduced, the back and front parts are cut out separately, and fasteners are made on one or both shoulders. Little children really don’t like it when they wear blouses with a narrow neck. In addition, in children under one year old, the volume of the head is almost equal to the volume of the chest.

To sew a blouse with a fastener with buttons or snaps along the front of the neck, cut it out as follows:

Let's add a one-piece fastener bar to the front halves. To do this, on the front pattern we continue to the right both the neck depth line and the horizontal line D by about 5 cm (1.5 cm for the fastener, and 3.5 cm for the hem of the placket). We connect the resulting points with a segment. The dotted line indicates the fold line of the plank.

In this case, you can sew cuffs to the sleeves. Then, while sleeping, the child’s sleeves will not constantly be pulled up. And the child will be warmer.

And one more feature - children grow very quickly, and a blouse with cuffs can be sewn to grow slightly (by 1-2 cm), and the cuffs will hold the sleeve in the right place.

This pattern can be used to sew a dress with a clasp on the back for a girl. To do this, the length of the pattern of the front and back parts is reduced by about 8 cm, if desired, the length of the sleeve is reduced, and the sleeve can be made wider. The fastener bar goes from the middle of the front to the middle of the back. To build the middle back strip, we continue to the left horizontally, both the neckline line and the horizontal line B, 3-5 cm beyond the vertical line AB. We connect the points obtained from the continuation of these lines with a vertical line, thus obtaining a bar in the middle of the back. We cut out the skirt of the dress in the form of a rectangle with sides 23-28 cm in height and width, which is 1.3 - 1.5 times greater than the width of the laid out dress bodice pattern.

Mike (height 80-84)

The T-shirt must be sewn from natural material, for example from 100% cotton knitted fabric. To do this, you can use your old T-shirts, T-shirts, if you are sure that they are made of cotton.

Cut out the front and back pieces, adding seam allowances:

0.5 cm - on the sides, 1.5 cm - at the bottom, 0.75 cm - along the sleeve hem and neckline.

Cut out two edging trims for the sleeve cap, 30 cm long and 3 cm wide, and one edging trim for the neckline, 47 cm long and 3 cm wide.

To stitch parts, use a narrow zigzag stitch or a special elastic stitch, choosing a fairly thin needle.

Sew one shoulder seam of the shirt. Sew the trim along the neckline. Sew the second shoulder seam, stitching the edges of the trim as well. Sew piping along the edges of the sleeve. Sew the side seams. Fold the bottom of the shirt under and sew with an elastic stitch.

I know that a mother on maternity leave can be up to her ears with chores, but from my own experience, I recommend taking a break from household chores and finding time to learn something new. This saves me from postpartum depression, when everything is just diapers and clinics. If you are attracted to handicrafts, and you have mastered the simplest operations on your sewing machine, then in today’s master class on sewing for beginners, I will teach you how to sew a blouse for your baby using a ready-made pattern for children under 1 year old. It took me exactly an hour and a half to sew - while my son was sleeping, you can still take your time and break the work into stages.

To sew a blouse for a baby you will need:

  • knitwear - 40 cm.
  • thread - 1 spool
  • scissors, tailor's pins, sewing machine

Blouse patterns for children under 1 year

There are many ways to get free patterns for kids, today I will share two of them with you. The fastest and most proven method is to rip apart an existing item that has become unusable and sew it together.

1. I take a worn blouse, cut it into pattern parts: front, back, sleeve

If you do not have suitable clothes that can be used for patterns, then you can download free patterns for blouses for children in sizes 62 - 92 from the link. The pattern is given in real size, you need to print it on A4 sheets and glue it together.

How to sew a blouse for a baby

In order to sew a blouse to my size, I will need good stretchy knitwear, 80 cm was enough for me, I even had enough left for panties.

2. I bend the parts of the shelf and back in half and place them on the fold of the fabric. I fix it on the fabric with tailor's pins.

3. I cut out four parts with 1 cm allowances from the edge: front, back and two sleeves.

4. Along the neck line on the front and back parts, I bend the fabric inward by 1 cm. I fix it with tailor’s pins. I do the same on the bottom of the sleeves.

5. I sew on the overlocker along the edges with a flat seam. If you don't have a serger, use a zigzag stitch on your sewing machine to overcast the edges. Then fold the fabric inward 1 cm and sew a regular straight stitch.

6. Using tailor's pins, I assemble the front, back and sleeves along the armhole line, as shown in the photo.

7. Using a sewing machine, I connect the parts with a straight stitch, keeping 1 cm from the edge of the fabric. I overlock the edges with an overlocker. Can be replaced with a zigzag stitch.

8. First, I fix the line of the side cut and sleeves with pins, then I sew it on a sewing machine, without removing the pins 1 cm from the edge. I'm basting.

9. I turn it inside out and process the bottom line as in step 5. Ready! As you can see, I didn’t stop at just one piece, but sewed as many as three blouses for my baby. When I ran out of fabric, I took my boring T-shirts and recut them. I think it turned out great, especially since children get things dirty quickly - and it doesn’t hurt to have a couple of T-shirts in reserve!

Our kids are little fashionistas. Sewing is especially enjoyable and exciting for them. And then how pleasant it is to rejoice, looking at your beloved child in a new thing. In addition to clothing models for children, it contains information on remaking clothes for children, as well as sewing necessities: educational toys, blankets, crib bumpers and much more. After all, we will do everything to ensure that our children have the happiest childhood, surrounded by fairy tales.

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We sew a children's knitted blouse with lace

I would like to offer you a master class on sewing a children's long-sleeve T-shirt. Height 110 cm

- 50 cm of knitted fabric (in this case, thin interlock);

So, the first step is to build a pattern:

2. Cut out the product.

3. Using an overlocker, sew one shoulder seam, laying a reinforcing tape on one side (I usually take the simplest satin ribbon 1.2 cm wide).

4. Fold the neck facing lengthwise and iron. Using an overlocker, sew on the neck facing. During the sewing process, tighten (stretch) the facing. If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to baste the facing to the neck first.

5. From the front side, iron and place the neck facing in the correct position. Lay a securing stitch (I do it with a chain stitch on a cover stitch; for those who don’t have a cover stitch, you can do this stitch using special threads, for example, Maraflex (Gutterman), they stretch, or another option - any stretchable decorative stitch on your machine).

6. Overlock the second shoulder seam, do not forget to lay the reinforcing tape.

7. Sew in the sleeves using an overlocker (for beginners, baste first).

8. Using an overlocker, process the sections of the sleeve and the base with one seam, first on one side, and then on the other side.

9. Turn the product inside out. Pin the shoulder seam allowance.

Fold the bottom of the sleeves, baste, stitch (preferably with a stitcher, another option is on a regular machine, but using a double needle).

Here are several options for decorating a sweater with lace.

11. Stitch lace onto the product.

Fold the bottom of the product. Iron, stitch.

12. Carefully sew the edges of the lace on top of each other (you can do it by hand, or you can use a free-motion foot).

How to sew a sweater for a child

Winter is already very close, more and more often you want to wrap yourself up even warmer, and even more so, you want to give more warmth to your children. Let's make a cozy, warm sweater with a fun pattern from brushed cotton fabric in just an hour.

Pattern for a children's sweater

First of all, you need to print out the pattern that comes with this master class. The pattern is designed for 7 sizes - from 74 to 110. The control square on the printed sheet should have a size of 2 by 2 centimeters; align the pattern pieces along the control lines indicated by the “scissors” icon. There will be 3 parts in total - front and back with a fold and a sleeve part.

Fabric for sewing blouses

Prepare the fabrics: depending on the size, about 30-40 centimeters of brushed interlock.

Feel free to use fabrics with different patterns that match each other.

Also take 15 centimeters of ribana - a special fabric that is used to trim cuffs and collars.

Cutting a children's sweater

Pin the pattern pieces to the fabric and cut them out, leaving seam allowances. Since the fabric is brushed, it is quite difficult to trace the details with a chalk or pencil, therefore, having secured the pattern well, carefully cut it out without tracing.

In our case, we are making a combined shelf - the upper part will have a pattern, and the lower part will be plain.

Cut out the sleeve and cuff details. They should be equal to two-thirds the width of the sleeve. The height of the cuffs is 6-8 centimeters when unfolded.

Cut out the piece to trim the collar. It will be 20 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide.

So, the cutting is ready.

You can start assembling the blouse.

Sewing a blouse - assembly

First, assemble the shelf. Pin together the parts with needles, as shown in the photo.

Finish the seam with an overlocker.

Since the seam may stretch a little during the stitching process, it is necessary to return it to its shape using an iron.

Then press the seam allowance down.

Pin the front and back pieces along the shoulder seams and sew them.

Press the seam allowances to the front.

Pin the sleeve details to the unfolded blouse. Make sure that the control marks on the top of the sleeve cap coincide.

Carefully sew them on with an overlocker.

Press the seam allowance to the sleeve side.

Now fold the blouse with the right side inward, align the parts at the seams and pin together.

Carefully sew the side seams.

Press seam allowances to the back side.

Finish the bottom of the product using an overlocker.

Then fold the edge 1-1.5 centimeters and sew on a machine with an elastic seam - for example, “fish bone”.

Prepare the collar and cuffs. Fold the pieces vertically in half and stitch using an overlocker.

Fold the pieces horizontally in half.

Place the cuffs into the sleeves, distribute the fabric evenly, and pin around the perimeter.

Do the same with the collar.

Stretching the ribana to the level of the main fabric, sew the cuffs and collar on the overlocker.

This is how nice our parts look now.

Our blouse is almost ready! All that remains is to finally iron it out.

Iron the allowances to the side of the main part.

And now you can try on a new thing! As you can see, sewing a blouse for a child is not at all difficult.

flowerohyeh specifically for the site I am a young mother

© 2013, I am a young mother. All rights reserved. In case of full or partial use of site materials, an active link to the source is required.

Raglan jacket with bow: how to sew + pattern

A warm and elegant blouse with raglan sleeves can be sewn in just a day, and your child will enjoy it for a long time. This model is suitable for both girls and boys – you just need to choose the right colors and decor.

You can also sew a warm turtleneck and sundress for your child for winter and spring.

To sew raglan, first print out the pattern. Glue the parts along the lines with the scissors symbol. When choosing a size, be guided by the child's waist circumference. For a skinny three-year-old, for example, size 74 is suitable. If necessary, the length of the product can be cut one or two sizes larger.

Raglan jacket - pattern for girls:

We will also need:

  • footer with fleece “bows”;
  • interlock (cotton jersey) blue;
  • matching and contrasting threads;
  • ribbons in color, button;
  • scissors, pencil;

Children's raglan jacket: pattern and how to sew a jacket

Pin item number 4 – the raglan sleeve – to the folded fabric.

We cut out the fabric parts according to the pattern, allowing a small allowance on all cuts.

We pin part number 3 (back) to the fabric, observing the fold line.

We cut along the contours of the pattern, leaving a small allowance everywhere, including the neckline.

We will also cut out the first part of the front from fabric with a pattern, folded in half. Pay attention to the fold line, do not make an allowance along the neckline.

The second half of the front part is cut out in the same way. By the way, it can be made from companion fabric.

There are special marks on the pattern pieces. They are needed to sew the sleeves in correctly. Mark the marks on the sleeve using a contrasting thread.

We make the same marks on the front part. Now the front and back sides of the sleeve will not get mixed up.

We sew together three parts of the front - the middle one with a fold and two halves on the sides.

Sew along the basting using a straight stitch.

We process the edge with a zigzag or overlock.

Now we fold the front and back pieces with their right sides facing each other. We chop off the sides with pins.

We sew the parts together with a straight stitch, and finish the edge with a zigzag.

From blue interlock we cut out two rectangles, the long side is equal to the edge of the sleeve, the width is 7 cm.

Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, right side out. We pin the sections of the rectangle to the section of the sleeve.

Sew with a straight stitch.

Iron it from the front side and add a finishing stitch.

Now let's sew the tukav lengthwise. To do this, first pin the edges (or sweep them).

Sew the seams with a straight stitch. We sew the edge with a zigzag.

Now, focusing on the sleeve and front marks, we sew in the sleeves.

We sew the sleeves into the armhole with a straight stitch, and sew along the edges with a zigzag.

Now let's take a rectangle from interlock. The length is a quarter less than the neck circumference. Width – 6 cm. The part should stretch along the length.

Pin the edges of the strip (fabric face to face).

Sew the edges with a knitted stitch and finish the edge with a zigzag.

Place the resulting ring into the neck facing the wrong side. Pin in a circle.

Sew the piece along the edge using a zigzag stitch. Fold the opposite edge and baste it.

Turn the neck edging to the front side and baste it.

Sew with a straight knitted seam, removing all the basting.

Fold the bottom edge of the blouse inward and sew it with a flat knitted seam.

Now let's start decorating. In the middle of the front part, draw the outline of a bow with a pencil.

Cut a long narrow strip of interlock (it should stretch along the length). We sew the edge with a small frequent zigzag, slightly stretching the fabric.

We will process the second edge in the same way. The result is a wavy stripe.

Carefully baste it along the contour of the bow.

Slowly, moving the curls away from the machine foot, sew the strip with a straight knit stitch.

Let's take two pieces of different ribbons.

Sew the middle of each ribbon into the middle of the bow.

We close the attachment point with a button.

A warm raglan blouse for a girl is ready. In the same way, you can sew a raglan for a boy, using suitable applique or embroidery. The child will definitely be happy, and most importantly, he will be warm and beautifully dressed.

Pattern of a children's sweatshirt with raglan sleeves + master class

Making things for your beloved baby is an extremely pleasant and interesting activity. So, even a novice craftswoman can sew a simple blouse for a child, or rather it would be called a sweatshirt. The product is quite simple, so I want to add something special to it, for example, abandon the usual sleeve in favor of a raglan sleeve.

Sweatshirt with raglan sleeves

A raglan blouse, depending on the fabric chosen, can become both casual wear and pajamas. In the latter case, I also suggest paying attention to the article about children's pants, where there is a model that will make a good companion to a blouse for sleeping, and you will get a full-fledged children's pajamas.

Pattern of a children's sweatshirt with raglan sleeves

Download the file and print. Choose the appropriate size - from 1.5 years to 10 years. Size chart is attached below. Glue the sheets together and cut out the pattern. Transfer the details onto the fabric.

DIY children's raglan sweatshirt

Download the pattern for a children's raglan sweatshirt:

How to sew a sweatshirt with raglan sleeves for a child

Step 1. Transfer the paper pattern to the fabric. Transfer the front and back parts to fabric folded in half. Don't forget to leave seam allowances.

Cutting out the pattern pieces

Step 2. We start assembling with the raglan sleeves. Baste or pin the sleeves to the back and front pieces. The longer upper part of the sleeve should be adjacent to the back, respectively, the short one should be adjacent to the front.

Baste raglan sleeves to the back and front

Step 3. After making sure that the parts are assembled correctly, we make the seams. Open cuts must be processed using an overlocker. But if there is none, then you can get by with an overcast stitch on a sewing machine, or with a zigzag, at worst.

Step 4. Finish the bottom edge of the sleeves. Turn and sew. In general, you need to process the lower cut of the sleeve after the seam on the sleeve itself is completed. But since our sleeve is small, this will be difficult to do. At the end we will simply manually hem the seam allowance on the sleeve itself so that it does not puff up.

Step 5. Now use a single stitch to sew the side seam on the blouse and the seam on the sleeve. Do the same on the other side.

Sew side seams and sleeve

At the point where the sleeve is attached, we straighten the allowances (the top one is away from you, the bottom one is towards you)

Step 6. Now process the bottom of the product - tuck, iron and sew.

Fold and iron the bottom of the baby's blouse

We sew a seam along the bottom

Step 7. Let's start with the neck. Cut a strip of fabric, fold it in half and stitch. Stitch, slightly stretch the fabric, then the strip will be rounded.

This is how you get a rubber band

Attach the strip to the neckline on the front side of the children's sweatshirt. Again, pulling the strip lightly, baste or pin it.

Sew and turn away

Once you are sure that the neckline is good, machine stitch the basting area. Unscrew the neck and iron with steam. And then sew a line along the neckline on the front side of the product.

We sew a line along the neckline from the front side

We cut off the seam allowances and remove all the extra threads.

Children's blouse with raglan sleeves is ready!

Step 8. Cut off excess allowances. Our DIY sweatshirt for a child is ready!

Children's sweatshirt for height 92-104. Pattern, sew

Pattern of a sweatshirt for a child 92-104 cm tall.

You may immediately wonder: why is there such a large gap in the child’s height? The pattern is designed in such a way that for a child 92 cm tall, you can roll up the sleeve, and the sweatshirt will be 44 cm long from the neck; for a child 104 cm tall, you don’t have to roll up the sleeve, and it is better to measure the desired length of the sweatshirt for a specific child. I offer you a universal option, you can change or supplement it.

Constructing the front and back of the pattern

Just in case, I’ll explain in a nutshell how I built the drawing:

  1. Draw a rectangle with sides 37 and 44 cm.
  2. Divide the horizontal 37 in half and draw the vertical upward. We put a point (this is our middle of the neck).
  3. From this point to the right we set aside 8 cm (put a dot) and 18 cm (this is shoulder level).
  4. From point 18 down 2.5 cm - shoulder point. We connect point 8 and 2.5 with a straight line - the shoulder line.
  5. From the central point of the neck we set aside 18 cm - the level of the armpits. We draw a horizontal line.
  6. We draw the armhole by eye, the length of the armhole line should be 16 cm (measure with a centimeter tape).
  7. From the central point of the neck we set aside 5 cm - the level of the front neckline, and 1.5 cm - the level of the back neckline.
  8. We do the same on the left side of the drawing, draw the neck roundly.
  9. I make a zipper in the center of the sweatshirt, so at the end of the drawing we divide the front part in the center into two halves so that we can sew the zipper there. If you wish, you can not make a zipper, but make a polo fastener (but this will take longer).

Construction of the sleeve

  1. Initially we build a rectangle with sides 28 and 32 cm.
  2. We divide side 28 in half by 14 cm on both sides, draw a vertical line through the entire rectangle, dividing it into two parts - the line of the middle of the sleeve.
  3. From the top point of the middle of the sleeve we put 7 cm down. At this level the sleeve width is 28 cm.
  4. At the bottom of the sleeve the width is 22 cm, from the middle line we set aside 11 cm.
  5. We connect the sides of the sleeve drawing with straight lines.
  6. We draw the edge by eye, the length of the sleeve edge is 32 cm.

Construction of the plank - rack

We measure the length of the front and back neckline, I got 37 cm, you may have your own value, it depends on the roundness of your drawn neckline, in general, in any case it’s better to measure...

Stand height 7 cm.


All parts are cut with allowances of 1 cm, at the bottom of the product and on the sleeves - 4 cm, allowances on the stand - 2.5 cm (to insert an elastic band there).

We sew a fleece sweatshirt

For the sweatshirt, I bought double-sided fleece (with a dark blue and light blue side), and it turned out to be very warm, maybe only for extreme cold, so it could have been sewn from single-sided fleece.

Cut out pieces from fleece.

Sew the front and back pieces along the side and shoulder seams. I don’t process seam allowances because the fleece doesn’t fray.

We sew the sleeves with a “tube”. I deliberately planned the sleeve hems “for growth”, so I lengthened the pattern by 4 cm in addition to the allowances.

We sew the stand to the neck, we turn the top cut of the stand to the inside so that we can then insert the elastic there. We make an interfacing stitch along the front side, sewing (and thus fixing) the neck allowances to the front and back of the sweatshirt. In my opinion, it’s prettier this way, but you don’t have to do this line.

Now we sew on the zipper using a special zipper foot on the machine. First we sew one side of the zipper, and then close it and join the neck seam (so that it is at the same level when the zipper is closed). We pin or baste (this depends on your experience in sewing on zippers) the second half of the zipper and only then sew it on the machine.

Do not sew the second part of the zipper by eye without joining it first, otherwise the zipper will move anyway, even by 0.5 cm, and it will be obvious that it is sewn crookedly - you will have to redo it.

I decided to make an interfacing stitch and secure the zipper allowances to the front piece. This way the zipper will close better.

Let's start with the bottom of the sweatshirt. I specially made such large allowances - for a large hem to insert an elastic band, and so that it could be unraveled and lengthened when the child grows up.

We turn it on the wrong side and make a wide turn (cm 2) so that later we can insert an elastic band there.

I will insert the elastic band with clamps, it is possible without them, I just already have clamps, why not insert them))!

To insert the fastener, you need to make two tiny cuts on the inside of the folded seam allowances, at a distance of 1 cm from each other. And we thread the elastic band.

Without a clamp, we immediately fix the elastic band with a slight stretch. And sew on both sides.

This is how good the bottom of the sweatshirt turned out:

We also insert an elastic band into the neckline, but here I made a fastener on one side, and on the other I simply sewed the two ends of the elastic to the edge of the placket, hiding the allowances inside.

On the front side of the sweatshirt I made a drawing with acrylic fabric paints to make the sweatshirt more fun)).

How to sew a hood on a sweatshirt?

I received a letter from a reader in the mail asking me hood patterns on this sweatshirt. Therefore, I decided to supplement the article and schematically explain how you can build a pattern and sew a hood using it.

You can, of course, get confused and build a hood according to all the rules; such construction begins in exactly the same way as building a collar, only we also lengthen the pattern to the desired height of the child’s head.

But now I want to show you how to add a hood to this sweatshirt without making a special pattern.

To do this, fold the sweatshirt so that the fold on the left is the center of the back, and the fold on the right coincides with the zipper. This way the sleeve of the sweatshirt will be in the center. But we are interested in the neck line; it has a curved shape.

Lay the sweatshirt out on a piece of graph paper and trace the neck line onto the paper.

To construct the hood area, you need to draw verticals from the extreme points of the neck (figuratively speaking, these verticals continue the lines of the middle of the back and zipper).

Now from the back side on the vertical of the hood we set aside 20 cm, and from the zipper side - 23 cm. We build a rectangle, connecting these points with a horizontal line.

I gave an example of the values ​​- 20 and 23 cm, but they may differ from yours, since there may be an error of 1 - 2 cm. But the point is that the upper horizontal line of the hood forms with the vertical lines (extensions of the line of the back and zipper) right angles.

Such a hood will consist of two parts: the left and right halves, which will need to be sewn along a rounded line, folded face to face. And we will get a hood with a seam along the center line.

If you wish, you can insert an elastic band that will slightly tighten the hood around the oval of the face, but then you need to take this into account when constructing and add 3 cm to the allowances, instead of 1 cm from the side of the face line, and then definitely do not make this line with a deflection inward.

Then we sew the hood to the neck line, like a collar.

Perhaps that's all)))).

You may also be interested in:

See also an interesting video about how sew a hoodie:

How to sew a beautiful cotton blouse for a girl

Children grow up quickly. Just yesterday, the clothes that were in time are today too small. What to do? Basic sewing skills, enthusiasm and my master class will come to your aid. You will learn how to sew a blouse for a girl from cotton fabric with short sleeves, with lanterns, and a yoke. Sewing a beautiful and fashionable blouse with your own hands is very simple, even for beginners.

You will need:

  1. Cotton fabric – 50.0 cm.
  2. Sewing – 20.0 cm (narrow), 30.0 cm (wide).
  3. Lace – 150.0 cm.
  4. Narrow satin braid – 60.0 cm.
  5. Decorative elastic – 30.0 - 35.0 cm.
  6. Buttons – 5 pcs.
  7. Adhesive fabric – 10.0 cm.
  8. Threads – 3 pcs.
  9. Sewing supplies.

Summer blouse cut

I admit, at this stage I had some difficulties. I didn't have the fabric I needed, so I decided to sew from scraps that were lying around. It takes little material to make a blouse for a girl of 6 months or 3 years. Therefore, my accumulated leftovers over the years were just enough to buy a blouse for my niece. A great way to put textile waste to good use and get rid of clutter in the attic.

Preparing for cutting

Before cutting the blouse, the fabric should be decatted (checked for shrinkage). This can be done by ironing the fabric with a steam iron or soaking the fabric in warm water and letting it dry. The second option is most suitable for natural fabrics, especially cotton.

Why cotton?! I already wrote about the properties of cotton in an article about natural fabrics, so I won’t repeat myself. I will say one thing, this fabric is perfect for a child’s summer blouse. Cotton clothing does not cause allergies, and in such a blouse you will be comfortable at any time of the year. It can be worn both for a walk in the summer and to kindergarten in the winter, for example, to a matinee.

Cutting details

The blouse consists of:

  • shelf - 3 parts;
  • back – 2 parts;
  • short sleeve – 2 parts.

Cutting cotton blouses

Unfortunately, I cannot show the layout of the pattern on the fabric and the pattern itself because I cut it from residual materials (non-standard scraps). I can offer a brief description of the cutting.

My children's blouse pattern is always universal. Using it, I cut any children's clothes by modeling, which I really love. I'll tell you a little secret! I don’t make a special pattern for children’s clothing. Once I translated a pattern from Burda and now using simple modeling I can create any model. The main thing is to find the base of the pattern (front, back, sleeve) of the right size, the rest is a matter of technique.

How to cut a children's blouse:

  • to make a yoke on the shelf and back, draw horizontal yoke lines on the pattern in the right places;
  • this way you will get individual details of the yokes, without the need to spoil the pattern and cut it;
  • when cutting, simply mark the location of these lines on the fabric;
  • add seam allowances, move the pattern and trace the rest of the pattern;
  • on the shelf, add an increase to the side seams for gathering, as well as a couple of centimeters at the bottom for the tummy (make the descent in a convex arc);
  • do not forget to add allowances for the fastener on the yoke of 5.0 - 5.5 cm from the center;
  • along the side seams on the front and back, widen towards the bottom for freedom of movement;
  • You adjust the sleeve length depending on the model;
  • add an increase to the sleeve width and collar height for gathering.

Sewing a children's blouse

At this stage, following the exact sequence guarantees the desired result. If you come across unfamiliar words, consult the master's dictionary and sewing terminology. to contents

Processing the fastener on the yoke

We cut out 2 strips of adhesive fabric with a width equal to the width of the hem 3.5 - 4.0 cm, the length is equal to the length of the fastener. Read more about the properties of adhesive fabrics here: what is an adhesive pad for?

We glue the strips with an iron onto the hems from the wrong side, with the rough side down, through the cotton fabric, so as not to stain the iron.

We bend the edges by 1.0 cm and iron them.

We secure the hem on the wrong side with a machine stitch 0.1 - 0.2 cm from the fold.

On the right side of the right yoke, sew the stitching along the side (sew the loops first). Iron the clasp.

Sewing on decorative trim

Sew satin braid onto the yoke parts.

Gather the lace and sew it a few centimeters from the satin braid.

Connecting the yoke to the bottom

Gather the top cut of the bottom of the shelf and overcast the cut using an overlocker. Pin the yoke parts in the center of the fastener and overcast the bottom edge.

Sew the wide stitching, first to the yoke, then to the bottom. As a result, you will get a solid part of the shelf with a yoke on the fastener and decorative braid in the middle.

Yoke connection on the back

Sew the yoke to the back, the seam width is 1.0 - 1.5 cm. Overcast the cut, iron the seam allowance onto the yoke.

On the front side, sew a line 0.7 cm from the seam and iron.

Connection between shelf and back

Sew side and shoulder seams 1.5 - 2.0 cm wide. Overcast the edges and iron onto the back.

Sleeve processing

Assemble the assembly along the edges of the sleeves.

Baste and stitch the sleeves into the armholes.

Stitch the bottom edge of the sleeves and sew on a decorative elastic band, pulling slightly, to assemble.

In my case, the elastic was only enough for a small part of the sleeves. The sleeves and armhole had to be finished with bias tape from the main fabric. Not sure how to make bias tape? Read more about this in my article: how to sew a ruffled blouse.

On the front side, sew a stitch to secure the seam allowance (this can be done before stitching). This way the sleeve will gain additional volume and fit snugly on the arm.

Carefully iron the treated areas with an iron so as not to stretch the bias tape. It’s better to do this on a special block (this is a “sleeve” that comes complete with an ironing board), so the armhole will take on the correct shape and will not stick out. to contents

Neck treatment

Finish the neckline with bias tape made from the main fabric or finishing, satin fabric. Place the garment evenly on the ironing block and iron the neckline.

Bottom processing

Line up the bottom and hem with a closed-cut or Moscow stitch. Iron the bottom.

Final finishing

Remove the temporary gathering threads, sew on the buttons and iron the entire garment again.

Presentation of the finished blouse

DIY white blouse for my little niece.

Did you like the skirt? Then take a look at my master class: how to sew a tutu skirt.

You can sew such a skirt according to the master class: a skirt from old jeans.

Sew a warm vest with a hood and an applique on the back, as in the photo, see here.

Sewing a blouse for a girl is a pleasure. Being able to sew clothes yourself brings a lot of positive emotions and skills. One small thing can forever change the attitude towards purchased clothes and teach a child to dress with taste. Don't know what to wear for the holiday? A white summer blouse will fit perfectly into a little princess's New Year's ensemble. A children's fashionable blouse made of cotton with your own hands will make any event pleasant and eventful. to contents

Blouse models for girls

If you have any doubts about what kind of blouse to sew, then look at my selection.

Summer short sleeve blouses:

Types of summer long sleeve blouses:

P.S. Subscribe to my blog.

Best regards, Maria Novikova.

Stop being a gray mouse, join the ranks of the fashionable and stylish! Don't know how? I will help you! Right now, place an order for a personal pattern or consultation on sewing and cutting clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and personal image.

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A warm and elegant blouse with raglan sleeves can be sewn in just a day, and your child will enjoy it for a long time. This model is suitable for both girls and boys – you just need to choose the right colors and decor.

You can also sew a warm one for your child for winter and spring.

To sew raglan, first print out the pattern. Glue the parts along the lines with the scissors symbol. When choosing a size, be guided by the child's waist circumference. For a skinny three-year-old, for example, size 74 is suitable. If necessary, the length of the product can be cut one or two sizes larger.

Raglan jacket - pattern for girls:

We will also need:

  • footer with fleece “bows”;
  • interlock (cotton jersey) blue;
  • matching and contrasting threads;
  • ribbons in color, button;
  • scissors, pencil;

Children's raglan jacket: pattern and how to sew a jacket

Pin item number 4 – the raglan sleeve – to the folded fabric.

We cut out the fabric parts according to the pattern, allowing a small allowance on all cuts.

We pin part number 3 (back) to the fabric, observing the fold line.

We cut along the contours of the pattern, leaving a small allowance everywhere, including the neckline.

We will also cut out the first part of the front from fabric with a pattern, folded in half. Pay attention to the fold line, do not make an allowance along the neckline.

The second half of the front part is cut out in the same way. By the way, it can be made from companion fabric.

There are special marks on the pattern pieces. They are needed to sew the sleeves in correctly. Mark the marks on the sleeve using a contrasting thread.

We make the same marks on the front part. Now the front and back sides of the sleeve will not get mixed up.

We sew together three parts of the front - the middle one with a fold and two halves on the sides.

Sew along the basting using a straight stitch.

We process the edge with a zigzag or overlock.

Now we fold the front and back pieces with their right sides facing each other. We chop off the sides with pins.

We sew the parts together with a straight stitch, and finish the edge with a zigzag.

From blue interlock we cut out two rectangles, the long side is equal to the edge of the sleeve, the width is 7 cm.

Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, right side out. We pin the sections of the rectangle to the section of the sleeve.

Sew with a straight stitch.

Iron it from the front side and add a finishing stitch.

Now let's sew the tukav lengthwise. To do this, first pin the edges (or sweep them).

Sew the seams with a straight stitch. We sew the edge with a zigzag.

Now, focusing on the sleeve and front marks, we sew in the sleeves.

We sew the sleeves into the armhole with a straight stitch, and sew along the edges with a zigzag.

Now let's take a rectangle from interlock. The length is a quarter less than the neck circumference. Width – 6 cm. The part should stretch along the length.

Pin the edges of the strip (fabric face to face).

Sew the edges with a knitted stitch and finish the edge with a zigzag.

Place the resulting ring into the neck facing the wrong side. Pin in a circle.

Sew the piece along the edge using a zigzag stitch. Fold the opposite edge and baste it.

Turn the neck edging to the front side and baste it.

Sew with a straight knitted seam, removing all the basting.

Fold the bottom edge of the blouse inward and sew it with a flat knitted seam.

Now let's start decorating. In the middle of the front part, draw the outline of a bow with a pencil.

Cut a long narrow strip of interlock (it should stretch along the length). We sew the edge with a small frequent zigzag, slightly stretching the fabric.

We will process the second edge in the same way. The result is a wavy stripe.

Carefully baste it along the contour of the bow.

Slowly, moving the curls away from the machine foot, sew the strip with a straight knit stitch.

Let's take two pieces of different ribbons.

Sew the middle of each ribbon into the middle of the bow.

We close the attachment point with a button.

A warm raglan blouse for a girl is ready. In the same way, you can sew a raglan for a boy, using suitable applique or embroidery. The child will definitely be happy, and most importantly, he will be warm and beautifully dressed.